UC Arlitt Child and Family Research & Education Center

The Arlitt Child & Family Research & Education Center is one of the oldest demonstration preschools in the United States. Founded in 1925 as the University of Cincinnati Nursery School, this child development center is sustained in part by an endowment from Dr. Ada Hart Arlitt, who was the first teacher at the school. The center serves preschool children from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds who are funded through Head Start, tuition fees, and UC’s College of Education. Children from all funding sources are blended in each classroom in the center, which makes Arlitt one of the most diverse and inclusive preschools in the country. The Arlitt Center serves as an early childhood education practicum site for students from many programs at the University of Cincinnati, a research center for faculty and students, and an observation and teacher training resource center for the community.
Arlitt Classrooms

The classrooms at the Arlitt Center are thoughtfully designed and grounded in a constructivist learning model. Each preschool classroom at the Arlitt Center is divided into learning centers where children have a substantial period of time each day to interact with one another and with curriculum materials in each area. The center recognizes that children need many opportunities to experiment and explore in order to construct and extend their knowledge; therefore, materials are generally made available for several weeks so that children can return to them again and again. Creating preschool classrooms that are aesthetically pleasing is a high priority at the Arlitt Center. Multicultural artwork and artifacts, often presented to the center by families of children enrolled in the center, create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all children. Materials are neatly displayed so that they are easy for children to locate and return after use. Children’s artwork and projects are also featured. Professionals in early childhood education and students in teacher training programs often visit the Arlitt Child Development Center to view the preschool learning environments. Visitors are always welcome.
Location Information
UC Arlitt Child & Family Research & Education Center
University of Cincinnati
One Edwards Center
P.O. Box 210105
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0105
For general Information:
Phone: (513) 556-3802
FAX: (513) 556-3764
Enrollment Hotline: (513) 569-4510
Full-day Sessions
Monday thru Friday (August-May)
7:45 to 5:15 AM
Half-day Sessions
Monday thru Thursday
Mornings 8:15 to 11:45 AM
Afternoons 12:45 to 4:15 PM