Prospective Students
Discover What Head Start Offers

Head Start prepares America's most vulnerable young children to succeed in school and in life. To achieve this, Head Start programs deliver services to children and families in core areas of early learning, health, and family well-being. They also engage parents as partners every step of the way. Learn more about these services and how to apply.
Are You Eligible?
General Requirements
Eligibility is generally based on family income at or below the poverty level according to the Poverty Guidelines published by the federal government. Children in foster care, homeless children, and children from families receiving public assistance (TANF or SSI) are eligible regardless of income.
Birth to 5
We support learning through play, creative expression, and guided activities. We build strong relationships as the foundation
of early learning.
We promote language and literacy development, early math and science concepts, and positive attitudes toward learning.
Health and Wellness
We promote physical development both indoors and outdoors. We serve breakfast and lunch, as well as healthy snacks.
We provide medical, dental, hearing, vision, and behavioral screening.
Social Services
We help families find assistance in challenging times.
We help families identify and reach goals around employment, training, and parenting.
Disability Services
We build on children's strengths and individualize experiences to meet their needs.
We collaborate with community agencies when further assessment is needed.
How to Apply
1. Find a center near you using our Head Start Center Locator
2. Apply online
3. If you have questions or need more help finding the center that's right for you, call 513-569-4510 Monday - Friday from 7:30a.m. - 5:00p.m. EST or complete the Contact Us form on our website.