Head Start Winton Campus holds Career Day & Open Enrollment Fair

Our Winton Campus Early Learning Academy Head Start Center held a Career Day & Open Enrollment Fair for families this past Friday, January 24th, 2020. The theme was "My Community" and was an opportunity for families to meet community professionals.
Preschool children are inquisitive and curious about the world around them. Head Start students were excited to meet real people who do the jobs they are learning about. Career professionals volunteered their time to help teach the children about their careers by sharing their knowledge and experiences. Presenters included Theo Sifel of Ameriprise Financial, John Lynn of the Cincinnati Fire Department, Norman Payne of Cincinnati Water Works and Michael Payne of Duke Energy.
Community professionals brought in their special work tools and equipment to demonstrate what they do at work. Topics of discussion included the importance of saving money, electricity conservation, power plants and mathematics skills as it relates to a person who makes detailed technical plans or drawings (i.e. taking proper measurements); Fire safety, water testing, hydro-power plants, and so much more. Big ideas for small Head Start students! It is our hope that these experiences help preschoolers understand what community service is all about while exposing them to a variety of career opportunities!
Check out photos from Winton Campus Early Learning Academy Head Start career day below!